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Title : Brokwn Bow
Ref. : Novel #1
Release date : October 2001
Author : Diane Carey (after a story by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga)
Summary :
April 16, 2151. At the time the pilot is set, Vulcans and humans are in a bit of a strained relationship, best likened to a parental relationship, with the Vulcans holding back the humans for fear they are not ready. The Vulcans, ever logical, don't think humans are ready to make the jump into space yet, despite the fact that they're raring to go. The T'Pol character is assigned to the Enterprise as a supervisor, in order to give the Vulcans some control over the proceedings.
The premiere starts off with the first long range interstellar human starship, the Enterprise NX-01, at Spacedock, preparing to go out into space soon. The crash of a Klingon ship on Earth, after being chased by two members of the Suliban, a alien species who can alter their skeletal morphology as they want, accelerates the entry of Human in space race. The Klingon is critically injured by a human soon after the crash. He survives only because of his secondary organs and the life support systems - but his life hangs by a thread. Another conflict erupts between the humans and the Vulcans, as the humans insist on returning the Klingon to his homeworld. The Vulcans, on the other hand, are afraid that the Klingon government would view this as a disgrace, getting the relation off on a very bad foot. The Humans eventually assert themselves and return the Klingon to his homeworld. The Enterprise, under the command of Captain Jackson Archer, is launched and makes its way to Qo'noS...
Remarks : 1st novel on the series. Is re-released in paperback, pocket book, in June 2003.
Format : extended pocket book, hardcover (then expensive!).
Language : EN
ISBN : ?
Pages : ?

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